

PV module is a array of solar cells. Photovoltaic cell interconnection, called stringing or tabbing, and the second step,PV module assembly, is called bussing. Tabbing and bussing are two applications that link individual solar cells together to form a solar module (or solar panel). These applications also provide a method to transfer power from the solar cells to a power output, the junction box. Solar cell interconnect occurs when individual solar cells are joined together with tabbing ribbon (also called stringing ribbon), forming a cluster of solar cells.

This is frequently referred to as cell tabbing (or stringing). The tabbing ribbon carries the solar cell’s current to a larger ribbon, the bus ribbon, which then carries power from the cell clusters to the module’s junction box for final output.


Powering Lives

PV module is a array of solar cells. Photovoltaic cell interconnection, called stringing or tabbing, and the second step,PV module assembly, is called bussing.

The PV Connect

Reflecting Reliability

PV module is a array of solar cells. Photovoltaic cell interconnection, called stringing or tabbing, and the second step,PV module assembly, is called bussing.

Vartika Wire

Transforming Power

PV module is a array of solar cells. Photovoltaic cell interconnection, called stringing or tabbing, and the second step,PV module assembly, is called bussing.